More than 50 percent of the combined total of fatal and injury crashes occur at or near intersections. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, there are approximately 2.5 million intersection accidents per year. Sacramento is no exception. In recent years, Sacramento drivers have been voted among the worst in the country.
The most important factor in most intersection collisions is driver negligence. This can come from many different reasons. There are many factors that contribute to negligence that lead to Sacramento intersection accidents. Below are just a few of the reasons intersections are so dangerous.
People in a hurry can cause intersection accidents
We live in a fast-paced world. Always racing to get the kids to practice or get to work or to other engagements. But in the rush to keep moving, people in a hurry don’t want to sit at a red light. Instead of slowing down and waiting until it’s safe to pass through an intersection, many will fly through yellow, and even red, lights.
It’s almost as if most drivers will speed up instead of slowing down upon approaching a yellow light. Many accidents can happen because the driver tries to beat the light. Instead of being focused on what’s going around them, they are focused on “winning” against the light. One way to prevent this is to make sure you leave well in advance of your planned arrival time. Check traffic and know the roads of where you’re headed.
The intersection has too many points of entry
As driveways or points of entry increase, car accidents become more likely. Many businesses line busy streets throughout Sacramento. And the entry points will lead directly into the main intersection. This creates many more opportunities for traffic accidents.
Traffic is funneling in and out of these areas. People may not want to get “stuck” at one of those lights because the timing is different for the main road versus coming out of a business parking lot. There are bikers and pedestrians in these areas as well. Drivers may be more focused on trying to find a store than the road in front of them. With so much going on and different entry points, it creates an environment where a car crash is much more likely.
People make illegal and dangerous turns that cause intersection collisions
Of course we understand you have to obey traffic laws when driving. Sadly, many drivers will make an illegal or unsafe turn into an intersection in an effort to beat a light or save time. This not only puts other drivers on the road into harm’s way, but also pedestrians and bicyclists. Trying to make a quick turn without checking the crosswalk leads to many pedestrian and bicycle accidents.
Distracted pedestrians becoming a bigger cause in intersection accidents
As of this past year, Hawaii became the first state to enact a distracted pedestrian law.It outlaws the use of cell phones, cameras, gaming systems, etc. while walking through an intersection. There were too many pedestrians being hit by cars that the legislature felt the action was necessary.
The law was partly based on an Ohio State study that showed pedestrians were distracted by phones too, not just drivers. Pedestrians can focus on their phones more closely than drivers. As a result, they can lose sight of their surroundings and miss signals or trip and fall. Smartphones are a reason for both distracted drivingand walking that can lead to more intersection accidents.
Can design defects cause intersection accidents?
On top of human error in an intersection crash, there also can be design flaws or maintenance issues that contribute to the accident. This may mean a local government entity is partially or fully responsible.
Some common design flaws or defects in intersections are:
• Lanes marked improperly or incorrect width
• Confusing or obstructed signs
• Difficult visibility or inadequate lighting
• Defects in traffic signals
• Shoulders missing or sharp drop-off
• Failures to comply with state or federal regulations
• Fixed object hazards like guardrails
• Poorly maintained roads
This is far from an exhaustive list of intersection hazards. Preventing intersection accidents is a local, state, and national priority.
If you’ve been injured in an intersection accident, a government entity may be responsible. In California, a claim against the government must be filed against the correct entity within 180 days of the accident. There may be additional deadlines that apply to the suit.
If you or someone you love has been in a serious intersection accident, it is important to contact a Sacramento car accident attorney. Don’t make the mistake of waiting or not doing research to find the right fit for you and your family.
We offer FREE case evaluations and will give you our honest opinion about the case. Feel free to give us a call at (916) 619-5452. We also offer a case evaluation form on our website.