Attorney Skills

Auto Accident
Elder Abuse
Slip & Fall
Real Estate Litigation
Real Estate Transactions
Landlord Tenant Disputes

Daniel J. Hanecak

Even from my youngest days, I’ve always had a desire to side with the underdog, the one no one expects to win or fight. After graduating law school and passing the bar, I opened my own law office as a solo practitioner. The first lawsuit I ever filed was against one of the largest banks in the United States. I threw myself into the fire because I knew this was how I’d be the voice my clients needed.

In 2013, I confirmed a Chapter 11 bankruptcy plan for debtors that reduced two underwater mortgages on their properties by more than $500,000, allowing them to retain both of their properties. I have also successfully kept multiple homes in families after borrowers of reverse mortgages passed away and the banks tried to take them back without properly following the contract.

Since then, I have expanded my practice to fight back against insurance companies trying to take advantage of those who have been injured. The pain you’ve experienced doesn’t need to go beyond injury and loss. My aim is to get you the maximum compensation you deserve. Fighting for what is right is not just a part of my job as your personal injury or real estate attorney, it goes to the heart of who I am as a person.

Daniel Singnature

Court Admission

State Bar of California
Eastern District of California
Eastern District of California, Bankruptcy Court
Northern District of California
Northern District of California, Bankruptcy Court

Other Admission

California Bureau of Real Estate, Licensed Broker


UC Davis, King Hall School of Law, J.D., 2010
Franklin & Marshall College, B.S., 2006

Personal Info

I played 4 years of college baseball, two time All-Centennial Conference outfielder, love to workout, write music, research the history of random things, make people laugh, give my armchair commentary on sports, dominate fantasy football, and justify how the Steelers will win the Super Bowl every year.


2399 American River Dr,
Suite 2, Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 619-5452

4445 Eastgate Mall,
Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92121
(858) 812-2096

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