Facial Scarring Injuries

Facial scarring can be one of the most devastating types of skin scarring. Because the face is one of the most visible parts of the body, the effects are more than just physical. The mental pain and suffering of such a type of scarring can be far worse. Concern about how the person may be treated or looked at by others may drive someone to avoid public interactions and cause distress. These types of accidents may happen through no fault of their own.

When someone sustains a facial laceration, a plastic surgeon uses special techniques to try to limit the facial scarring as much as possible. The following is meant to provide information on facial scarring resulting from personal injuries.

What are causes of facial scarring?

Because the skin on the face is constantly exposed, it is one of the places where scars have a harder time healing. When the face experiences something that endangers its integrity, it may scar easily. Some of the ways that facial scars in a personal injury context may happen are the following:

Laceration. A severe laceration on the face can happen from an auto accident, a fall, or sporting accident. Depending on the severity and placement, facial lacerations may be harder to fully repair without scarring than others.

Burns. There are a couple different types of burns that can cause facial scarring. One is a “thermal burn.” This type would come from a fire. This could be from a motor vehicle accident like a car fire or even something less unexpected like a barbeque grill at home. If the burn is a first-degree burn, it will most likely heal with some scarring. Second and third-degree burns have a better chance of healing.

A chemical burn is another form of burn that may cause a face to scar. Chemical burns may result from the face coming into contact with an acid or base. These may cause severe second and third-degree burns. One procedure surgeons use with a chemical burn is a skin graft to try to minimize the scarring.

What are the types of facial scarring?

Depending on a person’s genetic makeup, the size, location, and type, scars will vary. These are the different types of scars that may appear on the face:

Keloid Scars. Keloid scars are a type of raised scar. They are hereditary and are the result of the healing process becoming aggressive due to a production of excess collagen. They are typically bumpy and can be larger than the original injury that caused the scar. Doctors can try to remove keloid scars surgically, with steroid injections, or silicone sheets to try to flatten them. People with darker skin are more prone to keloid scarring.

Hypertrophic Scars. These are similar to keloid scars, but will not go beyond the boundaries of the original injury. Hypertrophic scars are raised above the skin and can be treated by injecting the scar with corticosteroids or using silicone sheets.

ContractureScars. A contracture scar occurs if the skin has been burned. This type of scar will tighten the skin, making it very difficult to move. They also go deeper, affecting muscles and nerves in the body.

How can a personal injury lawyer help?

If the injury was caused by the negligence of another, personal injury damages may be available to the victim. An experienced personal injury lawyer may be able to help through the process. An attorney who has handled these types of cases understands there are social challenges and emotional trauma that result from the injury.

More than just the physical trauma, there is the psychological impact. A personal injury attorney can help a victim receive the proper treatment and be properly compensated for both physical and psychological effects stemming from a facial injury.

Our firm offers free and friendly advice to offer guidance and help people determine options. If you’d like to speak with an experienced Sacramento personal injury attorney, please give us a call at (916) 619-5452, fill out our form online, or email us at info@hanecaklaw.com.

2399 American River Dr,
Suite 2, Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 619-5452

4445 Eastgate Mall,
Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92121
(858) 812-2096

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