Should I Get a Lawyer after a Motorcycle Accident in Sacramento?

Yes, you will want to get a personal injury attorney if you’ve been in a motorcycle accident. Injuries from motorcycle accidents can easily be much more severe even if the accident appears relatively minor. Road rash, broken bones, and other injuries can all happen due to the rider being more vulnerable on the road. Even if your motorcycle accident seems relatively minor, the most important first step is to seek medical care and get a full medical diagnosis.

Insurance Companies and Motorcycle Accident Claims

Insurance companies don’t go into business as non-profits. They are several billion dollar enterprises that want to make money. These companies don’t make money by quickly paying out motorcycle claims. They have teams of adjusters and insurance defense attorneys on their side who know how to poke holes in claims and deny them altogether.

Insurance companies will use different tricks like delaying getting back to you or saying they need more information from you to process your claim. These tricks are designed to grind the motorcycle accident victim down so they accept less than the settlement should be worth. They know that after an accident victims have mounting medical bills, may miss time from work, and if their vehicle is severely damaged, may not have a way to get around unless they rent a car. The adjuster will appear as if they are on the victim’s side to build a rapport, but ultimately they are trying to get you to accept less. When an insurance claim is accepted at below its value or denied, insurance adjusters gets a bonus.

Why should you hire a Sacramento motorcycle attorney?

If the claims process isn’t daunting enough and you don’t settle, a Sacramento motorcycle injury lawyer will be able to help you file a claim in court. Here are a few ways that a Sacramento motorcycle accident attorney can help your claim:

• Your Health.
Your health is number one. When you hire an attorney to handle your motorcycle accident claim, it will allow you to focus on recovering to the best of your ability.
• Avoid Insurance Company Tricks.
Insurance adjusters are trained to find ways to pay out less or deny your claim. They work on thousands of claims per year. This may be the first time you’re in a motorcycle accident and going in without knowing the ropes. They know how to take advantage of these situations. A motorcycle injury lawyer will even the playing field.
• Determine Damages.
Calculating damages is an extremely important part of motorcycle accident claim. There are different kinds of damages in California and if you’re unaware of how to calculate them, you could wind up accepting much less than your claim is worth. For example, you may be entitled to future medical bills and lost earnings, but if you don’t know that you won’t ask for them.
• Authority.
Insurance adjusters will probably not take you seriously until you’ve hired an attorney. They are willing to bet that you don’t know the system and they will be able to get away with at least one trick to reduce or deny your claim.

We understand it sounds self-serving to say you need a motorcycle accident attorney. But we know what insurance companies are capable of and don’t want to see anyone taken advantage of. We offer a free case evaluation so you can get to know us. We want to make sure you feel we are the right pick to represent your motorcycle accident injury claim.

You can find our case evaluation form on our website and we can be reached at (916) 619-5452.

2399 American River Dr,
Suite 2, Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 619-5452

4445 Eastgate Mall,
Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92121
(858) 812-2096

Free Case Evaluation
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