When Should I go back to Work after a Sacramento Car Accident?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there are 17,250 car wrecks every day nationwide. They estimate that there is roughly one auto collision per minute in the United States. Damages that result from these vehicle accidents include physical injuries, medical bills, property damage, mental and physical pain and suffering, and missed time from work.

When a car accident occurs, our bodies immediately go into a “fight or flight” response. This means our adrenaline spikes to try to protect the body and people think they aren’t injured. It can take days or even weeks for an accident injury to show itself.

This is one of many reasons why seeking immediate medical care is critical for your health and maximizing any personal injury claim. Going to an ER, urgent care, or your primary doctor will help determine your injuries, provide treatment, and document that your injuries are related to the collision.

A big concern for those in car accidents is missing time from work. Bills will start to add up and it can even be a fear of losing a job altogether. Although getting medical treatment and having doctor’s appointments may cause you to miss work, this is something you need to do. Not getting proper treatment can have lasting consequences on your health. You are also able to seek compensation for missed wages and medical bills.

Can I go back to Work after My Car Crash?

Even where an accident seems relatively minor, like a lower-speed rear end collision , we recommend not returning to work immediately. People commonly believe that if they return to work, it automatically means they’re alright or will disqualify them from receiving compensation for the accident.

Returning to work doesn’t hurt any chances you have of recovery, but it may slow down or hurt your recovery. The most important thing is to get medical attention and then follow the doctor’s orders. If you don’t follow the path of medical treatment, it can possibly get your claim denied or reduced by the insurance company.

After taking some time to heal, many people feel better after returning to work because the distraction can reduce pain. If your job is labor-intensive, however, it’s better to wait until you’ve fully recovered so as not to aggravate your injury or put others in danger. The most important thing is to stay in contact with your doctor and follow their recommendations and limitations on returning to work. By doing this, it will give you the best chance of recovery and not unintentionally jeopardize your injury claim. The amount of time and any limitations on returning to work (or what you can do when you return) will vary depending on the type of job you have and extent of your injuries.

Why Do People Return to Work Too Early?

For many, a daily routine offers a level of comfortability and normalcy. Injuries resulting from a car accident upset this routine. Pain, doctor’s appointments, missed time from work, and dealing with getting a car fixed are just a few of the problems that arise. If we tell ourselves that we’re ok, it means things will just “go away”—that isn’t the case and this line of thinking can hurt you in the long run.

The expense of medical bills is a big reason people don’t seek medical treatment after a car accident. They don’t realize it is still possible to get medical treatment covered after being injured by someone else’s negligence.

Another thing that makes people return to work is their financial situation. With mounting medical bills and automobile expenses, not receiving a paycheck can take a financial toll.

Unfortunately, one of the myths insurance companies have embedded into public perception is that hiring a personal injury attorney is just a way to cash in or game the system. People are concerned about others’ perception of them, especially co-workers. This can lead people to return to work too early and cause further complications with their injuries. The truth is that people are much more likely to be sympathetic to your situation and will want you to focus on your health and recovery.

If I Take Paid Sick Leave, Can I Still Recover Those Lost Wages?

Whether you return right away, take time away with or without pay, or use paid sick or vacation leave, you can still receive compensation. If you have vacation days or sick leave that can help avoid financial distress, you should take advantage of it. You still may be able to recover for using paid vacation or sick leave because you wouldn’t have had to use those if you weren’t injured.

When it comes to returning to work, the best thing you can do is to seek advice of a medical professional and follow their recommendations. Having documentation from your doctor that your injury requires certain rest should help not only with your employer, but your injury claim as well.

Being injured in a car accident is a stressful time. Especially when you’re unable to work and bills start to mount. But we are here to help. We offer free and friendly advice and will go over your accident case with you to help determine your options. This includes discussing the facts of your case, reviewing medical history, and discussing missed time from work, if any.

Please give us a call at (916) 619-5452or fill out our form online so that we start helping you today!

2399 American River Dr,
Suite 2, Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 619-5452

4445 Eastgate Mall,
Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92121
(858) 812-2096

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