A Sacramento couple was tragically killed in a collision between a car and a motorcycle on Monday night.
The accident occurred on Highway 50 near downtown Sacramento when a 17 year old driver lost control of her vehicle and spun out of control. The car stopped directly in the motorcycle’s path and they were unable to stop before colliding with it, killing them both.
The couple were both 20 years old and leave behind a 4 year old baby girl.
The family has setup a GoFundMe page to help with the girl’s financial future.
Our condolences go out to the family and friends in the wake of this difficult time.
Grieving the Loss of Loved Ones
Unexpectedly losing a loved one or close friend can be one of the hardest challenges to face. While we know that loss is a natural part of life, it is easy to be overcome by shock, confusion, anger, and sadness. Over time the sadness may diminish, but grieving is an important step to overcoming those feelings and embracing the time you and the loved one shared.
Everyone reacts and copes differently with death. But research shows that we can recover on our own through time with the help of friends, family, and healthy habits. It’s ok to accept feelings of sadness, frustration, anger, and even exhaustion. But it’s important not to neglect yourself or your family and to celebrate the life of the one who was lost. Talking to those close to you and even those who have experienced similar loss can be a helpful way in overcoming these feelings.
When a Child Loses its Parents
The loss of a parent (and especially both) to a child early on in life can have can have serious consequences in their growth. The child may deal with prolonged grief and be vulnerable to long-term emotional problems due to an inability to resolve their sense of loss. It is in these tough times that family and friends can step up to try to help begin the long process of the child’s recovery and growth. There are many support groups that exist for both the child and their new guardians to help cope with this difficult path.
Guardianship of a Child Who Has Lost Their Parents
If both parents pass, then there becomes the question of who will be the child’s guardian. If the parents named a guardian in their will, then the court will usually approve it. If there is no will, then the person seeking to become the guardian will have to file a claim in the court to have it approved. Either way in an instance like this, the court will make a determination of who the guardian(s) will be.
Wrongful Death Claim on Behalf of the Child
California law allows for certain survivors to bring claims for a wrongful death due to the negligence of another. This may be a surviving spouse or partner, children, parents, siblings, or grandparents. Where a minor child is the survivor, the claim may be brought by an approved guardian ad litem of the court. The Guardian ad litem acts as the named plaintiff on behalf of the child. The circumstances of the case will dictate how the claim should be properly approached.
Can a Sacramento Accident Attorney Help after a Wrongful Death?
During these tragic times, an experienced personal injury attorney can help families seek financial justice. While we understand that money is not the first thing that comes to mind after a tragedy, the future still holds financial responsibilities for those who were left behind. And in the case of a minor, it makes things even more difficult for their needs to be met.
The best accident attorneys will conduct a thorough investigation into establishing negligence of the at fault party. They will also assess the damages it caused as well as those in the future to support the wrongful death claim.
Sacramento Wrongful Death Attorney
My name is Dan Hanecak and I am a Sacramento Wrongful Death Attorney. We understand how difficult of a time it is to unexpectedly lose a loved one. Our office is here for you to offer free and compassionate advice on how to handle a potential claim due to the negligence of another.
Please call me today at (916) 619-5452 to talk or fill out the form on our website and I will contact you personally.